• I have a college essay I'd like proofread before the end of the week. What should I do?
Check the services page to see the options available and then head to the contact page to email your request. An editor will usually respond within 24 hours.

  • How do I send my document to Lexico?
Visit the Submitting Files page for detailed instructions.

  • When can I expect my completed document back?
Lexico will strive to complete your document and have it returned to you as early as possible. Ultimately your document will be returned to you within the time period according to which service you have selected.

  • I've added to/edited the original text and would like to resubmit it again. How much will it cost?
Your resubmitted work will be completed for a reduced fee, except where 1000 word thresholds are passed and then relevant rates apply.

Make an enquiry via the contact page for further assistance regarding the services you require.

  • Why must the work be submitted as a Microsoft Word file? How will my document be returned?
Microsoft Word is the program used by our editors and is the most convenient file format to work in for best turnaround times.

Your document will be returned in the same format, with the inclusion of comments and tracking changes (unless this service is specifically refused.)

Further information can be found on the Terms & Conditions page and enquires made via the Contact page.